
News + Events

Learn From the Unexpected with Elena Rutkowski of Xcel Energy

Elena RutkowskiElena Rutkowski, operations supervisor of damage prevention at Xcel Energy Minnesota, is featured in our latest Learn From the Unexpected video. Elena covers changes to Minnesota State Statute 216D – also known as the “One Call Law” – that went into effect on August 1, 2024. Check out LearnFromTheUnexpected.com/GSOC to watch the video.

For additional information on the changes to MN State Statute 216D, click here.

About Learn from the Unexpected
The damage prevention industry isn’t always predictable. Gopher State One Call believes in learning from the unexpected moments that do happen and proactively working to avoid damages. Through these efforts, we can all work towards a safer future.

That’s why we’ve introduced our Learn From the Unexpected video series. These videos feature Minnesota-based damage prevention professionals like you and allow community members to share their stories so that we can all work smarter and safer as our industry continues to grow. Visit LearnFromTheUnexpected.com/GSOC to learn more and watch the videos.

Submit Your Story
Have you faced the unexpected at a jobsite or found something especially useful in avoiding unexpected damages or delays? We want to hear about it! Submit yourself or a colleague to be entered for the chance to be featured in an official Learn From the Unexpected video. Those selected will also earn the honorary title of Damage Prevention Influencer and receive a $200 Visa gift card that you can use for anything from a new pair of work boots to a much-deserved dinner out. To submit, scroll to the bottom of LearnFromTheUnexpected.com/GSOC and click “Submit Your Story.”

White Lining Your Excavation Site: Q&A with Jason Ponciano

GSOC Jason Ponciano

In Minnesota, it’s a requirement for anyone looking to excavate – whether a professional landscaper or other contractor, homeowner, or anyone else – to “white line” or “white mark” their excavation site with paint or flags as part of the locate request submission process. By clearly identifying the dig site, white lining reduces potential confusion and helps locators do their jobs as efficiently as possible, ensuring you’re set up for a safe and smooth project.

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An Annual Tradition: 2024 811 5K Run/Walk Promotes Safe Digging in MN

811 5k logo

The 2024 811 5K Run/Walk turned out to be a great success bringing Minnesotans together to raise awareness for safe digging. This year’s event was held on August 10, 2024, at Bde Maka Ska’s Thomas Beach in Minneapolis and included participants from the Twin Cities and the surrounding suburbs, a damage prevention-focused vendor fair, and the highly anticipated Kid’s Race.

The annual 811 5K celebrates “8-1-1 Day,” a day typically observed on or near August 11 (8/11), and calls attention to “8-1-1” – the national phone number used to submit free locate requests prior to breaking ground. Whether digging in the backyard or excavating at job site, it’s the law for Minnesotans to contact Gopher State One Call (GSOC) either by phone or by going to GopherStateOneCall.org before digging. These locate requests are used to notify local utility companies, which will then come out and use the APWA color code to mark the dig site for underground utilities with flags or spray paint.

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2024 Day of the Dozers: Supporting Children's Minnesota

Gopher State One Call (GSOC) is a sponsor for the 2024 Day of the Dozers, which supports the important efforts of Children’s Minnesota. Taking place on Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the ERX Motor Park in Elk River, Minnesota, Day of the Dozers is a family friendly event hosted by the Minnesota Utility Contractors Association (MUCA) that allows families to experience heavy equipment up close while learning about the construction industry, damage prevention, and safety.

During the event, kids ages three to 10 can ride in construction vehicles and heavy equipment – alongside operators – and the entire family can play in the giant sand pit, explore various activities, and enjoy food from local food trucks.

GSOC continues to be an annual sponsor of the event’s 811 Kids Activity Zone, which welcomes kids of any age. The activity zone provides a fun and engaging way to introduce underground utility safety and damage prevention to young Minnesotans. It’s also a great opportunity for adults to connect with 811 professionals and ask questions about contacting GSOC before digging, buried utility safety, or any other utility questions.

The 2024 Day of the Dozers is gearing up to be another fantastic event – we invite you to join us and help surpass the goal of raising $100,000 for Children’s Minnesota. This year’s funds will go towards supporting the skilled trade of nursing.

Click here to register now or visit MUCA’s FAQ page for more information the event.

GSOC Announces New Chief Operations Officer Kelly Connolly

Connolly Kelly Headshot

Gopher State One Call (GSOC) announces the selection of Kelly Connolly as the new Chief Operations Officer. Kelly will succeed Barbara Cederberg, who is retiring after approximately ten years of leading GSOC.

Kelly brings nearly 15 years of experience in building nonprofit organizations with specific involvement in building consensus among varied stakeholder groups and working on safety-related issues. She also has a background as a communications professional with extensive experience in media relations, strategic planning, and public policy. She is excited to become immersed in the damage prevention industry and looks forward to meeting with many stakeholders in the coming months.

As previously announced, Barbara Cederberg will continue with GSOC for a limited time to assist with Kelly’s transition and to work with specific innovation projects.

Please welcome Kelly to the underground damage prevention industry!

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